Flying Stand-by With Wet Feet

“When is your departure date?” To that frequently asked question, we often respond, “We are flying stand-by.” Literally, we will be flying stand-by, because God has blessed our socks off with an amazing gift! (More on that in another post.) But figuratively speaking, anyone who steps out in faith is “flying stand-by”! Waiting on the Lord is a lesson that God wants all who follow Him to embrace. We would like to have our future nicely laid out before us, but that isn’t usually the way God works. He wants us to learn to walk by faith as He reveals one step at time.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” ~ Proverbs 16:9

We are aiming to move this fall and we’re asking the Lord to establish our steps and steer our course along the way. I’ve heard it said that it is easier to steer a moving vehicle than one that is standing still. So, by faith we are putting one foot in front of the other in the direction God is leading us. Yes, that involves risk! Everything of any value does. Mike is closing his business (unless you know someone who might like to buy it?) I am leaving a job that I dearly love. My last day as the Children’s Ministry Director for Calvary Spokane is July 22. We will be moving away from friends, family and our home church of 31 years. We have six beautiful grandchildren who will grow and change while we’re away. Yes, the cost is huge!…As it is for anything valuable.

We have counted the cost and determined our Lord, who gave everything for us, is worth it! There are still many obstacles that only the Lord can remove from our path. One being our visas, which are much harder to receive than we originally anticipated. But I am reminded of the path that God chose for the Israelites, as they journeyed to the Promised Land. God led them right up to the Red Sea… on purpose! It’s all about learning to trust Him as we walk by faith. Like flying stand-by, we will only be there when God takes us there. I’m also reminded of another time when the Israelites were dependent on God to open a path through rough waters in the third chapter of Joshua. God required them to get their feet wet as they stepped out in faith. Then God parted the water of the Jordan so they could walk to the other side.

So, here we are, stepping out with wet feet, dependent on the Lord to part the sea of obstacles before us as we fly stand-by on our journey to Rome!

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