In Quietness and Trust is your Strength


“This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” ~ Isaiah 30:15 This is one of my favorite verses, but living in this truth can be a bit challenging when you are in waiting mode… “In quietness and trust is your strength“! I keep repeating this to myself as I try to hush the voice inside shouting, “Please move more quickly, Lord!” It’s like I have restless feet syndrome. (That’s a real thing, I think.) It’s an involuntary impulse that’s hard to control even through reasoning with solid scriptural advice to myself. I thought God was going to move us to our new ministry in Rome in September, but it’s almost time to flip the page to October. The leaves are turning, the days are shortening, my bags are packed and I’m ready to go! But it seems the pause button was pressed as we wait for a document from Italy that we need for our visas.

Resting in God’s sovereign timing is easier on some days than others. I am grateful for the added blessing of more time to spend with our family before our move, not to mention more time to find a renter for our house. Please pray for me as I learn (once again) to to WAIT “in quietness and trust”! I know His timing is always perfect and waiting on Him just means more time in His presence.

Here’s an A. Murray quote on the blessing of waiting on the Lord… “Just imagine what the result would be if the child of God had only to kneel down and ask, and get, and go away. What unspeakable loss to the spiritual life would ensue. It is in the difficulty and delay that calls for persevering prayer, that the true blessing and blessedness of the heavenly life will be found. We there learn how little we delight in fellowship with God, and how little we have of living faith in Him. We discover how earthly and unspiritual our heart still is, how little we have of God’s Holy Spirit. We there are brought to know our own weakness and unworthiness, and to yield to God’s Spirit to pray in us, to take our place in Christ Jesus, and abide in Him as our only plea with the Father. There our own will and strength and goodness are crucified. There we rise in Christ to newness of life, with our whole will dependent on God and set upon His glory. Do let us begin to praise God for the need and the difficulty of persistent prayer, as one of His choicest means of grace.”